
生于1988,工作生活于北京。艺术家先后创作出 Yuki 和 Hirono(小野)的形象进入公众视野。其创作通常从个人的感受和表达出发,经由架上绘画、雕塑、玩具和动画等多元化的媒介,凝固属于当下这个易变不居、一再更新时代中的个体生命体验。
Lang was born in 1988. Currently lives and works in Beijing. He has successively created the images of Yuki and Hirono and stepped into public sight. His creation usually starts with personal feelings and expressions and tries to solidify individual life experience in this ever-changing and constantly updated era, through diverse media such as easel painting, sculpture, toys, and animation etc.
Exhibitions include: 2022 Elephant in the Room, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai 2022 12 Paintings in TANK, TANK No.1, Shanghai 2022 Guardians of Dreams, M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY, Milano 2021 Hirono: Don’t Worry about Tomorrow, Song Art Museum, Beijing
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