董冰清,中国美术学院史论系古代美术研究生,师从范景中、万木春,现工作与生活于上海。她的创作涉及屏幕媒介、雕塑和音视觉演出,作品以她个人特质中古典与先锋两个极端对撞,多样而打破常规场域,探索着艺术形式无限可能,且始终围绕着个人浪漫而自省的精神内核,将思维、技术以及学术隐藏在视觉之下,用鲜活而无边的关怀、感受与想象力, 构建着一个个注入情感的动人世界。近年来她的作品于纽约军械库博览会、北京尤伦斯艺术中心 UCCA Lab、上海油罐艺术中心等地展览。为法国 Maison Margiela,意大利 Forbitches 等品牌创作3D视觉,创作的虚拟人受到美国 Vogue 报道。2020 年她开始了介入音乐演出场景的创作实践,跨界活跃于亚文化及说唱音乐演艺场景中,为场景带来舞台艺术装置及视觉输出, 或与艺人及厂牌合作共同演出。
Bingqing Dong is a multi-media and installation artist who is currently based in Shanghai, China. Bingqing received her post-graduate degree in ancient art from China Academy of Art. She has studied from professors Fan Jingzhong and Wan Muchun. Her work contains the collision of both classic and avant-garde elements. She enjoys breaking the rules and exploring the endless possibilities in art. The nature of Bingqing’s creation is the spirit of individual romanticism and self-reflection. Ideas, technologies and academic knowledge are hidden below the visual cover, Bingqing has put her vigorous sensibility, awareness and imagination into constructing various worlds full of emotions. In recent years, Bingqing’s art work has been displayed at exhibitions and museums, including The Armory Show (New York’s Art Fair), UCCA Center of Contemporary Art Beijing, Tank Shanghai, etc. Bingqing has also produced 3D visual work for brands like Maison Margiela and forBitches. The virtual avatar she made was covered by Vogue US. In 2020, she started to experiment in the music scenes. She has been working with multiple hip-hop artists and sub-cultural collectives, by providing stage installation and visual design or collaborating in audio-visual live performance.