个展包括:Blooming in Light,Aout画廊,贝鲁特,黎巴嫩,2023;白日梦游,今日美术馆,北京,2022
群展包括:崭新的,inner flow Gallery,北京,中国,2023;Here Comes the Sun,Galerie Zberro画廊,巴黎,法国,2023;Interaction, Galerie Zberro画廊,巴黎,法国,2022;Summer Vibes, Galerie Zberro画廊,巴黎,法国,2022;面包掰开了人,小衫画廊,北京,2022;021上海当代艺术博览会,上海,2021
Meiying is a visual artist who lives and works in Beijing, China. She received her Associate’s Degree in Fine Art in 2015 and BFA in Toy Design in 2017 from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.Meiying’s practice began with a look back at life and her own emotions. The experience of studying in a foreign country and her own childhood has made Meiying cherish every moment that she can experience the warmth of life, and she gives her instinctive feedback to these moments by creating figurative characters in her paintings and physical sculptures. Such creations have become the initial cards for Meiying to build up her personalized dream world in reality. With the heavy strokes and multi-layered painting method, and the deliberately de-industrialized sculptural texture, Meiying builds a corridor for us to get to know her tender heart through her creations.
Solo Exhibition include:Blooming in Light,Aout Gallery, Beruit, Lebanon,2023; Dream White, Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2022
Group Exhibition include:Brand New, inner flow Gallery, Beijing, China, 2023; Here Comes the Sun, Galerie Zberro, Paris, France, 2023; Interaction, Galerie Zberro, Paris, France, 2022; Summer Vibes, Galerie Zberro, Paris, France, 2022; The Flow, Fir Gallery, Beijing, 2022; ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Shanghai, 2021