1997年生,现工作和生活于北京和伦敦。2023年硕士毕业于英国皇家艺术学院雕塑专业,本科曾就读于中国美术学院雕塑与公共空间艺术系并获得新生入学奖学金,2021年毕业于美国芝加哥艺术学院获得纯艺术学士学位以及杰出奖学金。2022年包蓉被中国尤伦斯艺术中心评选为十大新锐艺术家之一,并于同年入围英国New Contemporaries。2023年获得了来自The COLAB/英国皇家艺术学院/英国约克郡雕塑公园共同颁发的毕业生奖,同年还获得了来自英国文化协会颁发的文化连线基金。2024年包蓉获得了来自英国皇家雕塑家协会颁发的Gilbert Bayes大奖,并成为了英国皇家雕塑家协会会员。2024年她在英国萨奇美术馆的个展“RONG BAO IS ME 包蓉是我”,是该著名国际美术馆历史上首次为中国女性艺术家举办个展。并于同年受到英国泰特美术馆Tate Collective委托创作。包蓉参与的艺术项目Design for Non-Human Kinds:Toys for Elephant于2019年受到了美国NBC新闻的采访报道。2022-2024年受邀成为苏富比艺术学院,美国犹他大学,英国威斯敏斯特大学,南泰晤士大学,英国创意艺术大学等多所知名高校做客艺术导师,并在2022-2023任英国Walkative Society Project联合主席。
近期部分群展包括:Buffer 2,Guts Gallery,伦敦,2023;A New Day,A New Dawn,The Bomb Factory Art Foundation,伦敦,2023;Middlesbrough Art Week,米德尔斯伯勒,2023;Enigma Garden,The Artist’s Garden,伦敦,2023;情境嘉欣,棠美术馆,广东,2023;北京黄松峪大地艺术节,北京,2023;原创在天…上/下,马刺画廊,北京,2023;Hung,Drawn&Quartered,Standpoint Gallery,伦敦,2023;EXPO CHICAGO,芝加哥,2022
Rong Bao, born in 1997 in China. She used to study at the China Academy of Art and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, earned in 2021, and a Master of Arts from the Royal College of Art, completed in 2023. Her work has garnered notable recognition, including being selected as one of the Top 10 emerging artists by China UCCA and shortlisted for New Contemporaries 2022. She has also received the prestigious Gilbert Bayes Award from the Royal Society of Sculptors and the Colab/Royal College of Art/Yorkshire Sculpture Park Graduate Award, marking her as a formidable force in the art world. “Rong Bao is Me,” Bao’s debut solo exhibition at Saatchi Gallery, not only marks a significant milestone in her career but also represents the first solo exhibition by a female Chinese artist at this renowned venue. Her academic achievements and the critical acclaim of her work underscore a career that is both rapidly ascending and deeply impactful, reflecting a profound engagement with the cultural and environmental issues of our time.