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2024-10-25 - 2024-12-01

inner flow Gallery将于2024年10月25日推出艺术家马若骢的全新个展“丰溢之血”,展览将完整呈现艺术家现阶段的创作和思考。



画是卧室,标题是艺术家留给观众的钥匙。正如《女人的狡兔三窟/That woman has no place to go》、《我甚知她/I knew her so little》,中英文对仗的标题,以自我暴露同时真假莫辨的叙事手法进行告白,语言作为人类最为暴力的链接方式,成为构建艺术文本的重要一环。


inner flow Gallery will present artist Ma Ruocong’s new solo exhibition, “The Full Blood,” on October 25, 2024. The exhibition will fully showcase the artist’s current stage of creation and reflection.

The sacred crimson hue leads to a forbidden path, with altars along the way unfolding life and death, violence, temptation, and fantasy, culminating in a ritual of sacrifice. The Full Blood builds upon Ma’s earlier works, Flesh and Gaze, extending into a new metaphor rooted in personal experience—menstrual blood becomes more intense in moments of love. Blood, while symbolizing the life force, also carries associations of disease, impurity, atonement, and birth. Taboos and desire are intricately entwined throughout this exhibition.


Stray dogs, horses, flowers, shells, and bones are shattered by the artist to form a “new flesh,” laying out a battlefield governed purely by natural laws of power dynamics. Paint piled on smooth skin becomes “firework tips,” cutting open the truth of humanity’s enslavement by animal instincts. The abundance of love intoxicates, and Ma Ruocong’s creations, like a beast from a sensual reservoir, tame violence through intimate desire.


The paintings serve as bedrooms, with the titles acting as keys for the audience. Works such as “女人的狡兔三窟/That Woman Has No Place to Go” and “我甚知她/I Knew Her So Little” feature symmetrical English and Chinese titles, using a confessional narrative that is simultaneously revealing yet elusive. Language, as the most violent human link, plays a crucial role in shaping the artistic discourse.


The exhibition runs until December 1, 2024.



马若骢,1997年⽣于⼴东,成长于北京。2019年于纽约视觉艺术学院School of Visual Arts取得插画本科学位,2021年于伦敦皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art取得雕塑硕⼠学位。

Ma Ruocong, born in 1997 in Guangdong, grew up in Beijing. She received her undergraduate degree in Illustration from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2019 and her master’s degree in Sculpture from the Royal College of Art in London in 2021.

个展:丰溢之血, inner flow Gallery, 北京, 2024;种种, 广东美术馆7号厅, 广州, 2024;猎人絮语, 荔院空间, 北京, 2024;驹子, ACENTRICSPACE,上海,2022

Solo Exhibitions: The Full Blood, inner flow Gallery, 2024; All kinds of…, GDMoA, Guangzhou, 2024; A Hunter’s Discourse, Lychee Gallery, Beijing, 2024; Pony, ACENTRICSPACE, Shanghai, 2022

群展:跨级社区,油罐艺术中心,上海,2024;第三空间,仚東堂,北京,2024;舍勒绿,仚東堂 ,北京,2024;形与意,元美术馆,北京,2023;隧道双人展, 拟像, 北京, 2023;炽热的前路,inner flow Gallery,北京,2023;崭新的,inner flow Gallery,北京,2023;一片盛大的记忆,久事美术馆,上海,2022;浪潮,方舟画廊,南京,2022;PROXY: MA Sculpture, Cromwell place, 伦敦, 2021; Together It Seams, Standpoint Gallery, 伦敦, 2021; Light, SVA Chelsea Gallery, 纽约, 2019; When black swallow red, LA MaMa Galleria, 纽约, 2019; Out there, Blackbird Gallery, 纽约, 2019

Group Exhibitions: SUPERCROWDS/SUPERCOMMUNITY – TANK, Shanghai, 2024;The Third Space, Santo Hall, Beijing, 2024; Scheele’s Green, Santo Hall, Beijing, 2024; Kong-Fu: Form and Meaning – Yuan Art Museum, Beijing, 2023;Tunnel, SIMULACRA, Beijing, 2023; The Way Forward, inner flow Gallery, Beijing, 2023; Brand New, inner flow Gallery, Beijing, 2023; A Marvelous Memory, JIUSHI Art Museum, Shanghai, 2022; PROXY: MA Sculpture, Cromwell place, London, 2021; Together It Seams, Standpoint Gallery, London, 2021; Light, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, 2019; When black swallow red, LA MaMa Galleria, New York, 2019; Out there, Blackbird Gallery, New York, 2019

Exhibition View

  • 日期: 2024-10-25 - 2024-12-01
  • 地点:Beijing
  • 艺术家:马若骢
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