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梁宗耀:SiO2_H2O_Fe Liang Zongyao:SiO2_H2O_Fe

2024-06-15 - 2024-07-21
inner flow Project 梁宗耀:SiO2_H2O_Fe

展期:2024.6.15 – 7.21

透明 脆性 不透气 具一定硬度
注意事项:切勿碰撞 谨防刮花 轻拿轻放
固 液 气三种形态
可传递营养物质 代谢废物
性状:味咸 无毒 气辛 性平
功效:平肝 镇心 治惊痫 安心神 坚骨髓 润肌肤
用法:内服煎汤 外用调敷




 inner flow Project Liang Zongyao:SiO2_H2O_Fe

Duration:2024.6.15 – 7.21


Transparent, brittle, impermeable, with certain hardness, chemically inert in daily environments, does not interact with biological entities

Precautions: avoid impact, prevent scratches, handle with care


Solid, liquid, and gas states; capable of transporting nutrients and metabolic waste


Properties: Salty taste, non-toxic, pungent aroma, neutral nature

Effects: Calms the liver, soothes the mind, treats convulsions, calms the spirit, strengthens bones and marrow, moisturizes the skin

Usage:For internal use, decoct in water; for external use, mix and apply

Liang Zongyao

Born in Yangjiang, Guangdong in 1996.

Graduated from the Fourth Studio of the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree.

Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2024 with a master’s degree.

Liang Zongyao’s artistic creations align with the inherent characteristics and logic of the materials. He meticulously plans to maximize their potential, resulting in a strong visual impact and an interdisciplinary art language. His current focus is on studying glass and metal.

  • 日期: 2024-06-15 - 2024-07-21
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