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在派对中尖叫,如雨中之泪 Screaming at the Party, Like Tears in the Rain

在派对中尖叫,如雨中之泪  Screaming at the Party, Like Tears in the Rain 

策展人 | Curator  韩馨逸 Liya Xinyi Han
艺术家 | Artists  AKWW 野生艺术工人、董冰清 Bingqing Dong、梅心怡 Xinyi Mei、ONS、王芮 Wang Rui、朱田 Zhu Tian
展期 | Duration  2023.12.31 – 02.04
开幕活动 | Opening  2023.12.31 20:00 – ∞

地址 | Venue  北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区798东街  East Road, 798 ArtZone, 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

在2023年的最后一天,inner flow Gallery即将呈现群展「在派对中尖叫,如雨中之泪」。本次展览由韩馨逸策划,汇聚艺术家AKWW、董冰清、梅心怡、ONS、王芮、朱田的全新作品及现场创作。开幕活动将从12月31日晚8点开始,持续到新的一年。






In the contemporary era characterized by digitization, individuals find themselves navigating the confluence of sensory stimuli, adrift in the vast expanse of information. Paradoxically, amidst this seemingly interconnected landscape, a pervasive sense of solitude persists, impeding the palpable exploration of profound emotional realms. Analogous to a cinematic scenario, revelry in a cacophonous party culminates in collective exclamations, only to ultimately mirror tears in the rain—wherein exuberance and melancholy coalesce, engulfed in an inexhaustible realm of illusion.

This exhibition endeavors to scrutinize the intricacies of human emotion and perception, concurrently engaging in critical reflection on the prevalent apathy, the inefficacy of communication, and the incapacitation of love within the rapidly evolving technological epoch, notably, the advent of artificial intelligence. Titled “Screaming at the Party, Like Tears in the Rain,” the exhibition aspires to lay bare the concealed contradictions of our epoch, critiquing the alienation perpetrated by technological advancements and media, while concurrently questing for the fundamental tenets of human existence.

The accelerated confluence of capital and technology serves to distort the genesis of human emotion. On one facet, confronted with systemic societal quandaries seemingly impervious to change, individuals instinctively adopt a stoic stance, seeking solace within emotional equanimity as a recourse for a more sanguine future. Conversely, within the digital realm, algorithmic regimentation renders individuals susceptible to manipulation within information cocoons, facilitating the unbridled surge of repressed emotions in virtual spheres. This unrestrained surge manifests as colossal emotional vortices, encompassing emotions such as anger, joy, resonance, anxiety, and panic. Paradoxically, as stimuli and pleasure accrue in the digital milieu, sensory experiences in the physical world diminish proportionately.

The exhibition convenes six groups of artists grappling with analogous predicaments while retaining acute sensitivity. These artists perpetually harness and mold their perceptions, transcending the homogenizing effects of algorithms to engender practices underscored by creativity and complex emotions. A paramount thematic focus of the exhibition lies in delineating the intricate tapestry of human emotions. Through the artistic oeuvre on display, spectators are afforded a lucid appreciation of the nuanced genesis and tumultuous vicissitudes characterizing the emotions of each artist. The exhibition, thus, aspires to rouse dormant sensibilities, stimulate dulled psyches, and unveil the specter of loneliness amid the clamor.
The artistic cohorts comprising the exhibition employ nonconformist modes of expression, rooted in intuition, to plumb the multi-layered terrain of human emotions. Facilitated by mediums such as imagery, paintings, installations, and performances, the exhibition aspires to cultivate a contemplative space—a refuge wherein both artists and observers can confront the intricacies of their emotional landscapes. Liberated from the fetters of digital illusions, participants are beckoned to rediscover the profundity of human emotions and the symbiotic connection between individuals and the natural milieu. Simultaneously, the exhibition extends an invitation to all inquisitive minds to collectively explore the nuanced panoramas of authentic emotions, renew self-awareness through heightened perception, and, in tandem with the artists, adeptly navigate the waters of emotional resilience.

艺术家 | Artists



王芮 Wang Rui

王芮,1989年出生于四川,成长于四川。2012年在四川美术学院完成本科学业。随后前往北京。在北京生活工作6年,于2018年搬到上海。现长期沉迷于网络,在网络世界里四处游荡。是虚拟世界的“流浪者”“自然主义者”和“隐身客”。网络ID:“闲人”“人精”。近期工作方向:通过铅笔以绘画的方法来感受实在“物质”作为媒介和坐标,连接意识与身体。王芮于2018年及2022年在上海BANK画廊举办个展,并在北京 salt 项目、大卫·卓纳画廊(香港),苏州艺术博物馆,深圳何香凝美术馆,武汉剩余空间展出过。王芮还参加了汉斯·乌尔里希·奥布里斯特在 FIAC 2017的“89+和谷歌艺术与文化”座谈会。 

梅心怡 Xinyi Mei

梅心怡出生于1997年,她的跨媒介实践主要进行图像和文本之间的转译,同时结合媒介理论介入物质文化的视觉语言与表现形式。她试图解释特定情境下的共生(symbiosis)关系,并研究戏仿(parody)与故 事叙述(storytelling)作为推测性叙事的手段。她测量一种中间状态被催化发生的条件——这些状 态摇摆于故障和成功、话语和失语、原件和复制品、诗歌和知识、妥协和抵抗之间。同时,她讨论作者、观众与作品在场域中的沟通策略与空间政治。她通常使用影像、装置和写作进行创作。梅心怡于2021年于罗德岛设计学院摄影系获取得艺术硕士学位。

朱田 Zhu Tian



董冰清 Bingqing Dong

董冰清,中国美术学院史论系古代美术研究生,师从范景中、万木春,现工作与生活于上海。她的创作涉及屏幕媒介、雕塑和音视觉演出,作品以她个人特质中古典与先锋两个极端对撞,多样而打破常规场域,探索着艺术形式无限可能,且始终围绕着个人浪漫而自省的精神内核,将思维、技术以及学术隐藏在视觉之下,用鲜活而无边的关怀、感受与想象力, 构建着一个个注入情感的动人世界。

近年来她的作品于纽约军械库博览会、北京尤伦斯艺术中心 UCCA Lab、上海油罐艺术中心等地展览。为法国 Maison Margiela,意大利 Forbitches 等品牌创作3D视觉,创作的虚拟人受到美国 Vogue 报道。2020 年她开始了介入音乐演出场景的创作实践,跨界活跃于亚文化及说唱音乐演艺场景中,为场景带来舞台艺术装置及视觉输出, 或与艺人及厂牌合作共同演出。

AKWW 野生艺术工人 



策展人 | Curator

韩馨逸 Liya Xinyi Han

出生于湖北十堰,现工作和生活于上海。从2013年起先后任职于Artforum中文网、华宇青年奖组委会,并于2017年加入UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心,曾任UCCA公共实践部总监及UCCA Lab资深策展人。她的策展及写作实践专注于回应及刺穿现实生活中的虚伪共识及流行观念。

曾于UCCA、集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季、泰康空间、中间美术馆等策划展览、表演及论坛项目,近期参与策划的展览包括:“‘燃冉’艺术季——跳动吧,城市!”(新天地Style 1/2及新天地壹号,上海,2023);“集光片羽”(UCCA Edge,上海,2022);飞去来器——第九届OCAT双年展“女娲极乐园”单元(OCAT,深圳,2021);“太空奇谈”(UCCA沙丘,秦皇岛,2021)等。

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