王芮,1989年出生于四川,成长于四川。2012年在四川美术学院完成本科学业。随后前往北京。在北京生活工作6年,于2018年搬到上海。现长期沉迷于网络,在网络世界里四处游荡。是虚拟世界的“流浪者”“自然主义者”和“隐身客”。网络ID:“闲人”“人精”。近期工作方向:通过铅笔以绘画的方法来感受实在“物质”作为媒介和坐标,连接意识与身体。王芮于2018年及2022年在上海BANK画廊举办个展,并在北京 salt 项目、大卫·卓纳画廊(香港),苏州艺术博物馆,深圳何香凝美术馆,武汉剩余空间展出过。王芮还参加了汉斯·乌尔里希·奥布里斯特在 FIAC 2017的“89+和谷歌艺术与文化”座谈会。
Wang Rui (born in Sichuan 1989) graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and now lives and works in Shanghai. She currently explores the body and consciousness through pencil drawings and handmade objects. Wang Rui has held her solo exhibitions at BANK/Mabsociety, Shanghai respectively in 2018 and in 2022. Wang’s work has been shown at Salt Projects, Beijing; David Zwirner Gallery, HK; Suzhou Art Museum; He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen as well as Surplus Space, Wuhan. Wang also participated in Hans Ulrich Obrist’s “89+ and Google Arts & Culture” Conversation Room at FIAC 2017.