1997年⽣于⼴东,成长于北京。2019年于纽约视觉艺术学院School of Visual Arts取得插画本科学位,2021年于伦敦皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art取得雕塑硕⼠学位。马若骢的作品着力于结构之下暗藏的暴⼒、忧郁和⼥性⽓质,以“⾁⾝”和“对视”为被控制的变量,将所见之相进行⼈格化处理。她⽤朦胧且⼤胆的笔触提炼出迫害者与受害者之间的权⼒关系,并希望在此基础之上借助动物性的凝视构建主体间性。
个展包括:“猎人絮语”,荔院空间,北京,2024;“驹子” 马若骢个展,无题空间,上海,2021
群展包括:形与意,元美术馆,北京,2023;炽热的前路,inner flow Gallery,北京,2023;分形共振:模因十六象,Re’van,上海,2023;崭新的,inner flow Gallery,北京
隧道”双人展,拟像,北京,2023;一片盛大的回忆,久事美术馆,上海 浪潮,方舟画廊,南京,2022;“蜘蛛和梦幻田园居”马若骢和黄明达双人展,无题空间,上海,2021;众生蜉蝣,The Koppel Project画廊,伦敦,2021;PROXY: MA Sculpture 2021,Cromwell place 画廊,伦敦,2021;Together It Seams,Standpoint画廊,伦敦,2021;光,纽约视觉艺术学校,纽约,2019;黑吞噬红,LaMa Gallery拉玛画廊,纽约,2019;在那里,Blackbird gallery黑鸟画廊,纽约,2019
Ruocong Ma, born in 1997 in Guangdong, grew up in Beijing. She received her undergraduate degree in Illustration from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2019 and her master’s degree in Sculpture from the Royal College of Art in London in 2021. Ma Ruocong’s works focus on the violence, melancholy, and femininity hidden beneath the hierarchy, taking “nakedness” and “gaze” as the controlled variables, and regurgitating whatever is seen. She distills the power relationship between the persecutor and the victim with hazy and bold brushstrokes, in an attempt to construct inter-subjectivity based on the animalistic vision.
Solo Exhibition include: “A Hunter’s Discourse”, Lychee Gallery, Beijing, 2024; “Pony” solo show, Untitled Space, Shanghai, 2021
Group Exhibition include: Kong-Fu: Form and Meaning, Yuan Art Museum, Beijing
The Way Forward, inner flow Gallery, Beijing, 2023; Introversion or Extroversion, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling, Judging or Perceiving ,Re’van, Shanghai, 2023; Brand New, inner flow Gallery, Beijing, 2023; “Tunnel” Ma Ruocong and Yuna Yu, SIMULACRA, Beijing
2022 A Marvelous Memory, Jiushi art gallery, Shanghai, 2023; Wave, Fangzhou gallery, Nanjing, 2023; “The Spider and Wonder Pastoral Villa” Ma Ruocong and Huang Mingda, Untitled Space, Shanghai, 2021; All Sorts of Ephemera, The Koppel Project, London
PROXY: MA Sculpture 2021, Cromwell Place, London, 2021; TOGETHER IT SEAMS, Standpoint Gallery, London, 2021; Light, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, 2019; Out There, Blackbird Gallery, New York, 2019